Didnt we hear this before? Agreeing unconditionally to enter into dialog with the likes of Iran would be taken for a sign of weakness, some have claimed. Others declared that we must talk with them to begin the process of … Continue reading
It is amazing to me to see the chutzpa of the current crew in charge of the destiny of our government. In one carefully crafted sentence buried deep within the stimulus bill. This little gem apparently grants sole discretion over … Continue reading
I am trying out Microsofts new Live Writer to post info to this blog. Way cool so far. You can get your own copy here … Continue reading
Ya know, I generally have little to say regarding the rantings over at the Daily Kos, but…here’s a collection of beauties from this thread: Saying that Hillary has Executive Branch experience is like saying Yoko Ono was a Beatle. Proximity … Continue reading
Mark Steyn offers a modern analog to the old cry of ” Better Dead than Red” … Continue reading
Ultimate 2008 Presidential Candidate Matcher Your Result: Mitt Romney Mitt Romney was the governor of Massachusetts, where he was known as a centrist. He reformed the state healthcare system, and would pursue reforms at the national level as well. … Continue reading
Rod Dreher over at the Dallas morning News discusses What the Muslim Brotherhood means for the U.S. Six years after 9/11, we’re still asleep. Islamic radicals have declared war on us and some are fighting here in what looks … Continue reading
That’s not really a fair analysis. Well enough, that is a rather cruel generalization of the uninformed masses, but I find that it does fits our current congress as it pertains to those who simply cannot rationally contemplate american success. … Continue reading
OK. So I watched the Republican debate last night and I couldn’t help thinking that we deserve better. Let’s start with the top three and half – Giuliani, Romney, McCain, and Thompson. Rudy so often comes off as a one … Continue reading
I mean, seriously. This sort of thing is what medical research is all about. In April we wrote about research led by Yacoub, who’s been called the world’s leading heart surgeon. His team had managed in the laboratory to grow … Continue reading